Slice & Dice in PowerPlay

What is slicing & dicing?
Slice and dice multidimensional analysis technique allows users to rearrange dimensions in a report and provide broad perspectives of the data.

Slicing and Dicing in Cognos can be performed in the following ways:

  • Dragging and dropping the dimension folders from a dimension viewer (on the left) or dimension toolbar (in the top) to the crosstab area
  • Selecting category in a dimension viewer and doing the right click on the selected category and choosing Replace Rows (or Replace Columns or Replace Layers)
  • Selecting category in a dimension viewer and clicking the corresponding icon from the left-hand side menu
  • Swapping rows and columns is also a Slice and Dice cube investigation activity.
    It can be accessed from Main Menu -> Explore -> Swap -> Rows and Columns

    Various ways to slice and dice in PowerPlay:
    Various ways to slice and dice in PowerPlay