Predefined roles in Cognos 8
In general, roles represent a collection of users that are responsible for similiar areas, have the same status or perform the same tasks in an organization.
Cognos 8 allows administrators to implement custom business specific roles, however a default set of ten predefined roles will normally be enough.
Cognos 8 allows administrators to implement custom business specific roles, however a default set of ten predefined roles will normally be enough.
The IBM Cognos 8 BI predefined roles are:
- Consumers - run and read reports
- Query users - run and read reports and use Query Studio
- Authors - run and read reports and use Query Studio and Report Studio
- Report Administrators - administer reports, use Query Studio and Report Studio
- Server Administrators - administer servers, jobs and dispatchers
- Directory Administrators - administer accounts, groups, contacts, distribution lists, data sources and printers
- Metrics Administrators - administer metrics packages and tasks in cognos connection
- Metrics authors - Create and edit scorecard applications in Metrics Studio
- Metrics users - monitor enterprise performance in Metrics Studio
- Portal administrators - Administer cognos portlets and third-party portlets in Cognos Connection
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