IBM Cognos 8 environment tuning and optimization tips
The process of tuning and optimizing IBM Cognos 8 environment may looking at the following settings:
Set usage peak periods - for instance set the number of connections and processes to low during peak hours (business operation hours)
Adjust the maximum number of processes and connections for the report service, the batch report service and the data movement service
Adjust queue time limits for interactive requests
Adjust PDF output settings - file character encoding, font embedding and compression policy
Maximum execution time for the report service, batch report service and data movement service
Adjust retention time for watch list report output (for Analysis Studio and Report Studio)
Change compression for email attachments
Adjust the report size limit for the report data service
Server group names for advanced dispatcher routing
Load balancing - balancing requests among dispatchers by adjusting weights
Within a load balancing infrastructure, use a cluster compatible mode for dispatchers (load balancing)
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